Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Nativity

Just when you think everything is safe around the house...something else seems to happen. Tuesday was quite a long day for me. A co-worker was experiencing chest pains so I left work and met her at the Winter Haven Hospital. We were at the emergency room for almost 7 hours...can you imagine? Happy to report that she didn't have a heart attack, but she is really stressed out and will need to see a cardiologist. I've come to the conclusion that no job is worth having so much stress in your life, which is one of the reasons I no longer work for Bank of America. When you dread going to work it's time to do something else. When I finally made it home I went into the living room and noticed that one of my Precious Moments sheep was on the carpet. I keep the nativity on the second shelf of my wall unit. I love my nativity set. It is the miniature version and I usually keep it out all year. The little black lamb is my favorite and of course he was missing. Tom was in the living room reading a book and watching the Food Network(very typical) and never noticed that someone had once again redecorated for us. I wasn't too happy and made him get his ultra bright flash light so I could search under the furniture for the lambs that had gone astray. Luckily I found them, unharmed, under the sofa. All of the cats got a good scolding; not only had they played with the nativity they had also turned a swag from a horizonal position to a vertical position...and once again Tom had not noticed. I'm at the point where I need the Super Nanny to come and retrain my children. Do you think I should have a naughty spot for them to go to????


Andi said...

Sure hope you're enjoying your 2 days off. I now have a serious case of carple may not be spelled that way...and I'm cross-eyed working on those dab-burned lists you left!!!

Tom is just going to have to be a more observant baby sitter for your children or the Nativity will have to go in the closet.

Susie Q said...

I LOVE reading your blog! Your stories are always a delight to read...well. except about your friend's problems. I know from where she comes...that was me a few years ago. Stressed about so much but you are so right! No job is worth that. You are a VERY good friend and she is so blessed to have you!

My husband is like yours...he never notices the kids (fur and human) getting into what they should not!


Missy Glave said...

Glad you found your missing nativity piece. It's most definately time to call in a Super Nanny ... naugh-ty, naugh-ty, naugh-ty. Is it the British accent that makes her sound so authoritative??

You are definately a GREAT friend Robin. I personally can attest to that. Glad your friend is feeling better. Take good care. Missy