Sunday, November 19, 2006

Another early morning

What is it with this waking up real early stuff? You would think that when you've been sick you could get some much needed rest and sleep...not in my case. I've had a wicked cold for over a week now and let me tell you...I am really over it. I'm tired of the hacking and sneezing...I need stock in the Kleenex Corporation. I missed going to my friends baby shower today because you just can't share your cold with a woman that is going to give birth in two weeks. It is a beautiful day in Winter Haven, FL. A little chilly this morning, the cats were cuddling with me in the bed...they were wanting to sleep in while Tom and I woke up at 4:30...I'm sure I'll be able to sleep in tomorrow when it is time to go to work! Isn't that just always the way it happens? I've been doing some housework today. My mother in law and her sister are coming to dinner on Thursday. I have this thing about my house being as perfect as I can have it when family comes to visit. The washing machine has run all day, amazing how two people can have so much laundry. Tom has been at a fund raiser today. Hopefully he will make it home by 4:00p.m. He is going to be beat. I feel the need to create and I actually have some spare time...I'm off to stamp a few cards...keep your fingers crossed that they come out well! TTFN

Saturday, November 18, 2006

It seems like forever since that early morning blog. Time sure flies! I can't believe that Thanksgiving is next week. I had to work this morning and decided to play catch up on putting a manual together. I borrowed the three hole punch and began punching holes in a ton of paper. After I had punched holes in the paper I decided I better check to make sure that the pages would fit in the binders. Well, as luck would have it, the pages didn't fit. I can only imagine what our dear friend Abby would say about all of the trees that I killed to make this operations manual. I guess I am going to have a lot of scrap paper to use next year. At noon we were out the door and I was off to the Pet Supermarket. I really hate driving to Lakeland, but didn't want to go to Orlando either and the "kids" really needed cat food. I'm happy to report that the children will be dining in style this evening...lobster and shrimp. Tom and I will probably have salads. What's wrong with this picture? It's nice and quiet at the moment, Rajah is all curled up and sound asleep in his fleece lined bed and the girls are taking a bath on the bed. The girls are really becoming thieves. Jasmine is stealing pillows and last night one of them stole a spaghetti server.( I found it in the hallway this morning). Thanksgiving should be interesting. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the girls will behave.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Good Morning

It's 5:57am and this is so unusual for me to be out of bed at this hour. My husband, Tom, had a United Way presentation this morning at the mines in Mulberry. Soooooooooooooooooooo...he was up at 4:15 and I was supposed to have ironed a Red Cross polo shirt for him last night and I didn't feel like it...guess what I was doing at 4:30????? I went back to bed for about 30 minutes, new I couldn't sleep so I decided to get up. My cat chores are complete for the day, I've cleaned up my kitchen(didn't feel like doing dishes last night either), decided I wanted to have coffee this morning instead of tea(it's Pinon coffee from New Mexico...tastes great, especially out of my Longaberger mug) and did a facial mask because I missed out last week. Oh, and I did touch my toes and stretched, does that count for exercise for the day? I keep telling myself that I am going to be dedicated to the treadmill and get back in shape. Hmmmm, not real good at keeping that promise, I'd rather stamp or scrapbook. Using a paper cutter keeps the arms in shape and pressing rubber to cardstock builds up muscle...I guess I'm doing okay in the exercise department.

Jasmine is in for a busy day...she loves the computer and has been "helping " me type this morning. Coco is patiently (hahahaha) waiting for her breakfast, and Rajah is sitting in the Florida room on his cat tree waiting for the neighbor's cat to come by for the morning stalking of the birds. Our cats never go outside and their "friends" like to sit on our window ledge and visit...never a dull moment.

Time for me to get ready for work. I'd rather stay home and stamp today. I just got some new stamps and would love to play with them. Maybe this weekend.

Monday, November 06, 2006

One of those days

Haven't we all had "one of those days"? I thought my day was going just fine...until I got to work and found that the bracelet that I got for Andi wasn't in the Brighton tin. All I could think was that someone inspected my suitcase and helped themselves to a special treat. Okay, I was in the corner of my suitcase, I found it within the first 3 minutes of getting home tonight. What a relief!!! Let's see what happened next...Tom and I were relaxing in the living room and the "girls", Coco and Jasmine, were having a most wonderful time. They were chasing their brother, Rajah; they bounced off the furniture, they crashed into a glass of red wine...not good on cream colored furniture. They ate way too much cat food...Coco looks like she swallowed a football, they disconnected the computer...I can't go on...they have worn me out tonight...and I wouldn't trade any one of them for the is good to be home after a short kids are the BEST!

Sunday, November 05, 2006


Colorado was WONDERFUL! We arrived on Tuesday afternoon and the weather was crisp...a welcome change from the humidity in Florida. Our hotel was very nice with an awesome view of the Rocky Mountains. We were getting settled in and decided to unpack a few things. Were we ever surprised to find "Teddy" in the suitcase. Coco had repacked her little bear after we had removed him from the suitcase once before. Needless to say "Teddy" had quite an adventure. We were very careful not to misplace her little friend. All of the "kids" were very happy to see us last night when we got home, but the most excited was Coco when we gave her the bear. She hasn't let it out of her sight since we've been home...and of course, he slept in the bed with us last night.