Saturday, November 18, 2006

It seems like forever since that early morning blog. Time sure flies! I can't believe that Thanksgiving is next week. I had to work this morning and decided to play catch up on putting a manual together. I borrowed the three hole punch and began punching holes in a ton of paper. After I had punched holes in the paper I decided I better check to make sure that the pages would fit in the binders. Well, as luck would have it, the pages didn't fit. I can only imagine what our dear friend Abby would say about all of the trees that I killed to make this operations manual. I guess I am going to have a lot of scrap paper to use next year. At noon we were out the door and I was off to the Pet Supermarket. I really hate driving to Lakeland, but didn't want to go to Orlando either and the "kids" really needed cat food. I'm happy to report that the children will be dining in style this evening...lobster and shrimp. Tom and I will probably have salads. What's wrong with this picture? It's nice and quiet at the moment, Rajah is all curled up and sound asleep in his fleece lined bed and the girls are taking a bath on the bed. The girls are really becoming thieves. Jasmine is stealing pillows and last night one of them stole a spaghetti server.( I found it in the hallway this morning). Thanksgiving should be interesting. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the girls will behave.

1 comment:

Andi said...

Yes, it does seem like forever...because it has been!!!
I promise not to let Abby H-M know about the trees you killed to make your manual but sometimes the word gets out.

Sounds like Jazzy has good taste...she like silver!!! Pretty shiny silver...better keep it hid so you have utensils to eat with on Thanksgiving!