Monday, November 06, 2006

One of those days

Haven't we all had "one of those days"? I thought my day was going just fine...until I got to work and found that the bracelet that I got for Andi wasn't in the Brighton tin. All I could think was that someone inspected my suitcase and helped themselves to a special treat. Okay, I was in the corner of my suitcase, I found it within the first 3 minutes of getting home tonight. What a relief!!! Let's see what happened next...Tom and I were relaxing in the living room and the "girls", Coco and Jasmine, were having a most wonderful time. They were chasing their brother, Rajah; they bounced off the furniture, they crashed into a glass of red wine...not good on cream colored furniture. They ate way too much cat food...Coco looks like she swallowed a football, they disconnected the computer...I can't go on...they have worn me out tonight...and I wouldn't trade any one of them for the is good to be home after a short kids are the BEST!

1 comment:

Andi said...

Yay!!! The mystery of the empty tin is solved!!! Can't wait to see the bracelet!!! Thanks!