Wednesday, June 04, 2008

June Bugs

Okay, okay, okay, I get the hint!!! I'm a dreadful blogger!!! Sorry I missed April and May, but life has been really busy. I have to admit by the time I get home from work, which is usually six o'clock, I really don't feel like getting on the computer. My job has me on the computer all day; usually writing procedures and answering policy questions. Sounds boring to some I'm sure, but I really do enjoy what I do. Every day is a new adventure in the wonderful world of compliance!

So now down to real business. I know you are all just waiting with baited breath as to what my three most darling children have been up to these past couple of months. Now that Rajah is six and Jasmine and Coco Chanel are two life has settled a bit. Rajah is still tormenting the girls only because they annoy him from time to time (frankly I can't blame him, they can be a bit pesky). Jasmine, diva that she is, takes after her mother (me) and LOVES hairspray. Yes, it is true, Kenra #18 (smells like watermelon) is Jasmine's hairspray of choice. Now if only I can get her to stop trying to lick my hair. The hairspray is like a drug to her; go figure. Coco is still a me, she is heaven sent, but that little cat can clear a room when she tells you that it is time to eat!

On to the latest adventure. I'm sure I've shared the fact that Tom feels our sweet Jasmine is only half baked...I beg to differ and will gladly share my opinion. Our favorite grocery store, Publix, now has "green" bags. I've only purchased three to date but I have to say that I love them. I can get so many more groceries in one bag rather than all of the plastic bags. Apparently my Jasmine likes the bags too. The night before last Tom and I were in the kitchen preparing dinner( yes, I actually helped) and I looked out into the dining room only to find Jasmine inside of the "green" canvas bag. What a picture it would have been if my camera had batteries in it. It would have been an awesome advertisment for Publix, especially when we called her name and she turned her head in the perfect pose. When she finally decided it was time to get out of the bag I went to fold it up and put it on my antique school desk so I wouldn't forget to put it in my car...what do you think was in the bag????? Her stuffed carrot! My little girl new that produce belonged in the Publix bag!!! Is she smart or what? So much for being half baked!

Now for the rest of the month...currently I'm dealing with an outside auditor at work. I'm facing a deadline for a mandatory procedure that I'm not ready for, my stepson is graduating on the 24th...whoo hoo!!, and there is a rubber stamp convention in Orlando the weekend of the 27th...I can't wait!

Hugs till then...I'll really try not to be such a slouch this month!!