Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!!

Another year gone by. Can you believe it? 2006 went by awfully fast...maybe it's because I'm getting older, but I swear Christmas comes sooner every year. We had a quiet New Year's Eve, which was fine with me. Usually we plan a special dinner but not this year. Tom had some oysters and I had left over pea soup. Sounds real exciting doesn't it? We spent the evening watching movies on the Hallmark channel...some party people we are. The neighbors had some bottle rockets and sparklers going off, Rajah wasn't fazed at all but the girls thought the firecrackers were just too rude. The noise interrupted their sleep and they did not appreciate being woken up...such spoiled children. The neighborhood is very quiet this morning. I feel very sorry for the ones that aren't feeling well this morning, but Tom and I feel great and are looking forward to an exciting year ahead. I have to admit that I did not achieve my 2006 New Year's resolution which was to clean out my walk in linen closet ( I can't walk in it). Perhaps this year I will get around to reorganizing it..I had a brainstorm yesterday as to how I could tackle the monster, so I think I will check out K-Mart, Lowes and Home Depot and JoAnne's for some inexpensive baskets to use for storage. Resolution #1...spend more time with family. Resolution #2...attempt to be more organized. ( this would include being less of a pack rat) Resolution #3...keep up with my friends. Resolution less of a procrastinator. Resolutin #5...exercise on a regular basis (I really need to get back on that treadmill). I have a lot more things I would like to accomplish this year so I might just do a scrapbook page of my goals for the year and see what I actually do accomplish. Off to write my thank you notes for the Christmas gifts we received (I'm a little behind). Wishing you all a healthy, happy and blessed New Year!!!!!

1 comment:

Missy Glave said...

Robin ... such great resolutions. Getting organized ... that's a big one for me too. I was at Lowe's the other day and they had some really neat organizing baskets. Hope you have a Happy New Year!