Thursday, January 04, 2007

We Broke A Resolution..Already

Well, we've already had to edit this post because someone by the name of Jasmine decided to walk on the key board...isn't she clever! Oh this paragraph problem is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo annoying. The girls really were trying to be extra good for the New Year, but since their "Auntie Andi" mentioned something about the cat food can I've decided to share the story. Tuesday night, around 11:00pm, we were in bed reading and one of the girls was playing with something. It was a constant clicking and clattering noise, very annoying, so I looked over the side of the bed and my sweet little Coco Puff had a small can she was playing with. I reached over and took the can away from her and found that it was an empty can of kitten food. A brand that she hasn't eaten in months...God only knows where she has had this tin can hidden. Thankfully the cans are always rinsed out after we feed them. All I can say is that I have thieves for children and they hoard their little treasures. I handed the can to Tom and his response was, "what would you like for me to do with this?" I couldn't believe he said response..."throw it away, you are closer to the kitchen." Now I want you all to know that I feel like a bad housekeeper because I really do try to stay on top of things, I just can't figure out where they hid that little can! My sister laughed and said I had forgotten what it was like to have a pair of kittens. I told her that when I had Won Ton and Cricket I never had such problems. She said WonTon and Cricket were duds and too well behaved. My sister is such a helpful girl, and of course I love her very much! I've spoken to Jasmine and Coco about stealing things out of the kitchen trash; they have promised not to steal again...until the next time.


Andi said...

Their "Auntie Andi" loves this story! Thanks for go look under your sofa and bed for hidden treasure!!!

Missy Glave said...

So cute ... they are keeping their favorite toys hidden for future use! Such a kid!