Monday, October 30, 2006

Jumpin' Jasmine

An 8 month old kitten is a ton of fun. Especially if her name is Jasmine. Jasmine, or Jassi for short, is full of energy. The newest trick is to race around the living room and leap, and I do mean leap, on to the settee. Once on the settee she loves to slide down the crevice on to the cushion. She thought it was such a great trick! She did it over and over and over again. My next choice in furniture will not be cotton. I need naugahyde. Do they still make that stuff? I need kitten proof furniture that won't get picked by toenails and will not be fun to play slip and slide. On the very cute side...tomorrow we leave for Colorado. Usually I am packing at the very last minute, but this time we are organized...go figure! Poor Jasmine. She knows something is up. She has fallen asleep inside the suitcase and on top of the case. Coco tried to pack teddy..thankfully Tom pulled him out...just what I have always wanted...a soggy bear.


Chelle / Chel said...

What fun! Thanks for sharing about your kitties!


Andi said...

Have a wonderful trip to Colorado!!! Take lots of pictures to show us when you get back.

Missy Glave said...

Colorado! Woo Hoo ... sounds like a FUN trip. I hope you have a great time. Enjoy the cooler weather and the beautiful mountains.