Saturday, January 26, 2008


It's a chilly, gray, Saturday afternoon and it has been a great day! This has been one busy month and I so appreciate the stillness of the house. All three siamese are sound asleep on the pillows in the front bedroom. They love to be with me when I finally get on the computer. I guess after staring at the computer all day at the bank I really don't feel like looking at mine...go figure, I look at work and avoid the fun stuff...I really need to get my priorities straight! Anyway, Jasmine has decided she needs cologne. Her signature fragrance is eau de arm & hammer dryer sheets. The girl just can't get enough of them. I'll throw a used one away in the trash and before you know it she's stealing least she doesn't have static cling. I really need to talk to her about being a thief...she stole my mother-in-laws gold watch. Jasi really goes for jewelry and the watch is kind of from mother in law received it as a gift when she graduated college...maybe Jasi is in to antiques. The watch is now safely stored in Tom's dresser. So why do we have the watch you might ask??? The story is.....................

Tom's mother is currently having a companion service 24/7 and being a banker for as long as I have been you learn never to leave anything of value in the home. I think it is pretty lame that people steal from the elderly. The ladies that have been staying with my mother in law seem very nice; at the moment I would say they have been heaven sent. My mother in law enjoys their company, Tom gets to sleep at home and we have had time together. It amazes me how much I really do need and enjoy my space.

In two weeks we will be going to the Gaylord Palms for a Red Cross event. It's black tie and I haven't quite decided what to wear. I'm kind of leaning towards the black cocktail dress rather than one of my gowns. Gowns can be a pain to transport. I'm finally getting my hair colored next dare those pesky little gray ones want to be on my head! I've got to get the eyebrows waxed. Think I'll try the place my friend Carol goes to. The last time my hairdresser waxed them I was red for three days..I think the wax was too hot because it really looked like I got burned. I've got sensitive skin and it seemed to take forever before the brows really looked right.

I am in a crafting funk. Haven't stamped all month, haven't scrapped in ages and I have a ton of paper to organize. I love's an addiction. I need to take a class to get re-energized. So, off to check out the calendar at Violettes..maybe I'll see a class that I need to go to.

Have a fun weekend!


Anonymous said...

I understand that crafting funk...thank you very much for your order, I appreciate it!!

Missy Glave said...

The Gaylord Palms sounds fancy schmancy!! I say you go all out with one of your fancy gowns!!

Andi said...

You really should be a writer of stories Robin...eau de Arm & cracked me up with that one. I realize you are a writer...but Bank manuals just don't have that "creative writing" edge to them!

Glad you're having a good weekend. I had some "dress success" shopping at Dillards yesterday.

I know you'll look gorgeous whatever you decide to wear!