Saturday, November 01, 2008

Coco Update

One week later and Miss Coco "Puff" Chanel is feeling just fine and dandy. The appetite has returned...not in full force, but close. Tom did an awesome job with the injections. As for the oral medication...lets just say that didn't go as well. I'm sporting a lovely new scratch on my shoulder (amazing what those back feet can do). The girls have finally stopped hissing at one another..what a week!

Today is our 6th wedding anniversary! Tom is cooking us a wonderful dinner, as always, and we are in the midst of getting ready for our vacation. I don't know where the 6 years have gone, but I can say they have been great. I'm so blessed to have found such a wonderful man to call my husband.(Even if he is rooting for the Gators, I much prefer the Bulldogs..much cuter mascot)

Tomorrow we head out for St. Simons Island, GA. From there we will go to Dillard, GA., Asheville, NC., Savannah, GA., and finally home. Good thing we have a couple of days before returning to work. I'll fill you in on our adventures when we get back.

As for work, yesterday was my last day at the Chalet office. I am going to
miss everyone there, especially my buddy, Andi. My office has been moved to downtown Lake Wales and it is truely a back office. I did get my yellow accent wall and I do have new office furniture, one draw window. Good thing I'm mobile and can get out of the office as much as I want. Another good thing about the move is that I will finally have a direct telephone line with voice mail. I can't tell you how many phone calls the Chalet office has answered for me...and I very much appreciate them for being so gracious about it.

Halloween after work was a non event. Tom went to St. Petersburg to meet his step-sister from Oregon. I went to my Mom's and ate a wonderful pizza from red sauce, just garlic butter with feta and cheddar cheeses, tomatoes and black olives...YUM-O!!! Mom had about 3 trick or treaters and they live in a kid friendly neighborhood...go figure.

Off to finish my laundry...still have to iron a few things before day is not complete without hauling out the iron and ironing board.
Talk to you soon!


Anonymous said...

glad your kitty is feeling better.
happy anniversary, enjoy your trip. Take lots of pics to scrap ;o)
I can understand why you'll miss Andi!!

Andi said...

Okay Jen...I read that comment just above mine!!!

Oh Robin...we all missed having you there today! I kept thinking you'd walk in any minute and want to have a cup of tea! We did check the phone a couple of times to see if it was still working...just kidding!!!

Hope your vacation was absolutely the best one ever. Looking forward to hearing about it.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't a mean comment Andi :)
It was sincere!