Monday, February 26, 2007

What will they think of next?

What a busy weekend...and another one is on the way. This past weekend was so strange...on Saturday Tom and I were kind of pokey. We had to bartend for a doctor's wedding and because Tom's knees are so cranky I wanted him to do nothing but rest. We really didn't do too much of anything during the day, but when I went to make up our bed I had to laugh. One of our dear sweet girls had put a rubber stamp on my side of the bed. Now, I admit, it is totally my fault for not properly securing my rubber stamp set that I just purchased from Christy, but I really thought it was rather funny. At least one of the girls placed the stamp on the right side of the bed. Aren't they clever? And just in case you are wondering how I know it was one of the girls...face it folks, Rajah has too much class to steal rubber stamps. He is very well behaved, I think it is because he grew up with older cats in the house. WonTon and Cricket must have set him straight from the get go! ( I sure do miss those two.)

We made it through the wedding, very nice but a killer on the body. I have a new respect for waiters and waitresses, but that is another story. We got home from the wedding after six hours of bartending, waiting tables and washing dishes. ( This was a private party at the bride and groom's home). Trust me when I say that at 10:30pm I was not amused to find another Hummel music box on the living room floor. This time I was not very lucky. My little Hummel girl was decapitated and her arm had been amputated!! I have to say that I feel it was Jasmine who decided to play in the wall unit; she loves anything that is up high. I am going to try and repair the music box. I'm glad it wasn't one from my Grandmother's gift shop. If it doesn't go back together then I know it is time for me to get rid of it; after all it is just "stuff", but I still don't like the fact that one of them is into my things. Such naughty girls, but I wouldn't trade them for a million bucks.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Naughty Kitties

Three days of good behavior has to come to an end at some point in happened last night. Tom's aunt and uncle and their daughter and son in law are visiting from South Carolina. Due to our house being topsy turvey with paint and new floors on the way we were unable to provide lodging accomodations, so my mother in law is housing the younger folks and Tom's aunt is housing the older folks. Tom's Aunt Betty has recently relocated to Winter Haven and since Aunt Pat was not familiar with the area we had to drive her and Uncle Art to Aunt Betty's home. All of this took place around 8:30 last night. The kids were great during begging for ribs or smoked chicken...they were saving the naughtiness up while we were gone. We got back home around 9:15 and much to my dismay one or maybe more of my little darlings had climbed into our wall unit and had knocked down one of my hummel music boxes!! The nerve of the little beasts...the music box was in two pieces and I was not amused to say the least. Fortunately I was able to put the music box back together. I have had my wooden hummel music boxes since I was a little kid...they came from my Grandmother's gift shop and I do treasure them. My kids received a stearn warning that they were not to touch my treasures again..of course I don't trust that they will mind me...Jasmine has a mind of her own and the word "no" certainly does not apply to her!

At the moment, all is quiet in the house. Rajah put himself back to bed under the blanket. Jasmine is sound asleep on the sofa and Coco is curled up next to her. The kids love the weekend because we are home with them and they get a good deal of their parents attention. Our only big adventure so far today is when the girls decided to crawl inside the dishwasher..and it was Tom who got in trouble because he was not polite when he asked them to remove themselves from the appliance. I might just have to teach him some manners too!!

Hope everyone has a dandy weekend!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

All is quiet on the home front

I can't believe that I am actually saying that all is quiet at home. It's official...Coco has not stolen anything in 3 days. The bread has remained on the counter. The hot cross buns stayed on the counter and I can't say anything about the carton of mushrooms she stole because we were able to salvage them. After months of antics my kids appear to be taking a breather from causing havoc in the house. I know they are just faking me out. Someone is up to something and I just haven't figured it out yet.

My friend, Andi, listed her 5 favorite beauty list includes more than five but I will adhere to the limit:

1. Mary Kay 3 in 1 cleanser...twice a day without fail
2. Mary Kay moisturizer...twice a day without fail...I hate wrinkles
3. Bare Minerals wonders for my more clogged pores from liquid foundation (my husband loves this product on me)
4. Sable eyeliner
5. Frosted Rose lipstick from Mary Kay

I could go on and on because this is just a wee list of all the stuff I use on a daily basis. I think the next list should be at least 10 items.

Must run, my Coco is gnawing off her Teddy's ear and don't think she needs to swallow it...and just when I thought the house was too quiet and not filled with adventure!!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Oh, how time flies

Hi everyone,

I can't believe it has been over a month since I've last updated my Cattales. And oh, the tales I can tell!!

Oh my gosh, I have paragraph power tonight...I feel soooooooooooooo special!!!

I'll just start with the latest. As some of you know my house was built in 1961 and until recently has not had too many upgrades. The week after next we will finally get some new flooring. I'm so excited I really can't see straight! In preparation of the blessed event of flooring installation we decided to paint. Actually, I decided to paint and Tom didn't have a choice. We chose a wonderful shade of green, spinach white. Sounds yucky doesn't it? But actually it is just lovely and exactly what we both wanted. I feel like we have a new home! After I about worked the dog out of my poor arthritic husband I decided we needed to repaint the to Lowes we went and we found Navajo's an awesome color...have to admit that my ex husband and I used it in on the exterior of our home in Largo. I think Tom liked the color because it had a native american name in it...which is fine by me because it has worked wonders in the halls. Anyway, during all of this painting stuff we decided to put all of the kids in the front bedroom because we didn't want tails turning green and white. The kids were pretty upset today as yesterday they spent the day in confinement. When we had finished the second coat of spinich green in the dining room and the ceilings had been painted in the hallway we went to Lowes. About an hour later we returned home and were greeted by 3 very naughty siamese cats. Some how they had opened the pocket door of the bedroom. No harm was done and noone was wearing any paint. I just can't believe they opened the's heavy for cats that weigh around ten pounds. All I can say is that I have brillant children and I must praise them for their creativity. I also have to say that at the moment the girls are asleep in their cuddle bed and my dear sweet Rajah is resting in front of the dehumidifier...he can't stand to be cold and they did exert an awful lot of energy opening that door.

We are painting again tomorrow. Will try to keep you updated on the antics of the kids...hopefully there will not be any closet openings tonight..Coco just loves to open Tom's gentlemans chest in the middle of the night and remove the clothes that are stored in there. Talk to you soon!!